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Research Projects

Research projects developed at LabVisual


Design processes in information, interaction and interface design

Coordinator: Leandro Manuel Reis Velloso

Graphic memory and cultural heritage: the legacy of typography and lettering

Coordinator: Priscila Lena Farias

Modern graphic design: origins and boundaries

Coordinator: Marcos da Costa Braga

Observatory of Design Doctorates in Latin America & the Caribbean

Coordinator: Priscila Lena Farias

The teaching and research methods of the History of Design in Brazil

Coordinator: Marcos da Costa Braga

Typographic Landscapes: Advanced studies of letters in the urban environment

Coordinator: Priscila Lena Farias

Visual Culture and Design History

Coordinator: Eduardo Augusto Costa

Visual culture, identity, and graphic memory

Coordinator: Priscila Lena Farias

Completed Projects

[completed] Book design and visual storytelling

Coordinator: Clice de Toledo Sanjar Mazzilli

[completed] Convergence and interactivity in urban space: case studies in design, arts and architecture

Coordinator: Carlos Zibel Costa

[completed] Design and Interaction: Design and development of interfaces for the space of events (4D space)

Coordinator: Carlos Zibel Costa

[completed] Design and photography: applications, languages and creative processes

Coordinator: Sara Goldchmit

[completed] Design for Emergency

Coordinator: Denise Dantas (LabDesign FAU USP)

[completed] Design processes and language in design and playful architecture

Coordinator: Clice de Toledo Sanjar Mazzilli

[completed] Design processes and language in visual design

Coordinator: Clice de Toledo Sanjar Mazzilli

[completed] Design, space, flow: study on visual design in information layers and dynamic surfaces of communicaton in São Paulo city

Coordinator: Daniela Kutschat Hanns

[completed] Image and representation: records of urban daily life

Coordinator: Clice de Toledo Sanjar Mazzilli

[completed] Letters and cities: typography and lettering in the urban environment

Coordinator: Priscila Lena Farias

[completed] Memory and editorial production of the Graphic Programming Laboratory at FAUUSP: Design, production and graphic language

Coordinator: Clice de Toledo Sanjar Mazzilli

[completed] My house, my soul: a female portrait of the interior of the popular house in São Paulo communities

Coordinator: Gustavo Orlando Fudaba Curcio

[completed] Network citizenship in Brazil: applications, services, and online collaborative practices aimed at social and quality of life

Coordinator: Daniela Kutschat Hanns

[completed] Processi editoriali e innovazione 4.0: recuperare valore attraverso la sinergia fra analogico e digitale

Coordinator: Emanuela Bonini Lessing (IUAV, Italia)

[completed] São Paulo city Graphic Memory: development of a database on the beginnings of letterpress printing in São Paulo

Coordinator: Priscila Lena Farias

[completed] São Paulo city graphic memory: exploratory studies on typography and identity

Coordinator: Priscila Lena Farias

[completed] São Paulo city Graphic Memory: the formation of a local typographic repertoire in the nineteenth century

Coordinator: Priscila Lena Farias

[completed] São Paulo City Graphic Memory: typography and print culture in the early days of Brazilian industrialization

Coordinator: Priscila Lena Farias

[completed] São Paulo city Graphic Memory: typography in São Paulo in the nineteenth and early twentieth century

Coordinator: Priscila Lena Farias

[completed] Studies on Iberoamerican Visual Design Culture in the 20th Century: Convergences, Contrasts and Conflicts Between Modernisms and Local Traditions

Coordinator: Priscila Lena Farias

[completed] The object and its presence the everyday life, in art, and in the imaginary

Coordinator: Silvio Dworecki

[completed] User experience enhancement and improvement interventions in big data visualization for the Ministry of Health Strategic Management Support Room (SAGE Infovis)

Coordinator: Lucia Vilela Leite Filgueiras (EP USP)

[completed] Visual narratives: image and poetry

Coordinator: Feres Lourenço Khoury

[completed] Visual storytelling and cross-platform design on the bottom of the pyramid

Coordinator: Gustavo Orlando Fudaba Curcio

[completed] Well-being and the city: mapping and visualizing today for tomorrows' design

Coordinator: Daniela Kutschat Hanns


EAD2023 - 15th International Conference of the European Academy of Design
16 to 20 October 2023 / São Paulo Hub: 17 October 2023

P&D Design
26 to 29 October 2022

International Conferences on Design History and Studies - ICDHS
19 to 21 October 2022

4º Research Journey of LabVisual *
12 May 2022

Expanding Graphic Design Histories 2021/2022
24 February and 31 March 2022

DiaTipo X
11 December 2021

ATypI All Over
2 to 4 December 2021

Typography Meeting - ET 2021
25 to 27 November 2021

II Seminar Archives, Historiography and Preservation: contemporary perspectives
22 november to 07 december 2021

Expanding Graphic Design Histories 2021/2022
28 October 2021

International Congress of Information Design - CIDI 2021
18 to 22 october 2021.

USP International Symposium of Undergraduate Research - SIICUSP
15 September to 29 October 2021

Reflecting on Global Design History Practices
2 February 2019

DHS 2018: Design and Displacement
6 to 8 September 2018

ICDHS 10+1 2018 - Barcelona - International Conference on Design History and Design Studies
29 to 31 October 2018

ICDHS 2016 - The International Conference on Design History and Design Studies
16 to 28 October 2016

DRS 2016 - Design Research Society 50th Anniversary Conference
28 to 30 June 2016

Eeum: Design Connects, International Design Congress 2015
17 to 23 October 2015

ATypI 2015 - 59th Association Typographique Internationale Annual Conference
14 to 17 October 2015

DHS 2015 - Annual Design History Society Conference - How We Live, and How we Might Live: Design and the Spirit of Critical Utopianism
11 to 13 September 2015

CIDI 2015 - 7th Information Design International Conference
2 to 5 September 2015

Surprised by history: revisiting the imaginary landscape of our typographic past / a lecture by Catherine Dixon *
2 july 2015

Design research, postgraduate studies and internationalization / a lecture by Jeremy Aynslay *
30 June 2015

Arqueología de la letra en América Latina: hacia un atlas de la tipografía colonial / a lecture with Marina Garone Gravier *
2015, April 17th

Design and the fan experience / a lecture on design for major events signage with professionals from Icon Brazil *
April 14 2015

3rd Visual Design Research Day *
2013, 13-14 November

2nd Visual Design Research Day *
2012, 8-9 November

ICDHS 2012 - Design Frontiers: territories, concepts, technologies *
2012, 3-6 September

1st Visual Design Research Day *
2011, November 4th